Payments & Rates

You can now pay online any time with your credit card! We're also now accepting Apple Pay and Google Pay.

Alternatively use the QR code below for Apple Pay & Google Pay if you're not already on your mobile device.

Five Day package
Paid in advance. fully refundable.
No expiration. can be used on non consecutive days:

$190 (one dog)
$290 (two dogs)
$390 (three dogs)

new dog evaluations


rates & packages

Multi-dog Rates are for dogs attending on the same day Payment is due at time of drop off or pick up:

Single day

$50 (one dog)
$85 (two dogs)
$110 (three dogs)

Ten Day package
Paid in advance. Fully refundable. No expiration.
Can be used on non consecutive days:

$370 (one dog)
$565 (two dogs)
$750 (three dogs)

Twenty Day package
Paid in advance. Fully refundable. No expiration.
Can be used on non consecutive days:

$715 (one dog)
$1085 (two dogs)
$ 1440 (three dogs)