Pot Holes and More
A reminder for when you’re dropping off and picking up dogs. First, we want to apologize for the pot holes. We’re having trouble keeping up with them. We have a fairly new neighbor tenant that has brought double or more traffic through here. Neither them, or the landlord are offering any help with keeping it smoothed out. The silver lining is that it might be slowing some them down a bit when they drive through here. But we’ll improve it now that the rain should ease a bit for the summer. Thank you for your patience.
Also, please keep in mind that the farther you park your vehicle from the entrance gate, the more things that can go wrong. A speeding car, a squirrel, another dog, an unfamiliar adult or child or whatever, can cause a dog to do something unpredictable.
Thank you everyone! This year is Animal Magnetizm’s 20 year anniversary.
Gordon & Sienna
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